Course Description

Register now to take the Blockchain Institute of Technology Certified Blockchain Associate (CBCA) certification exam.

Upon successful completion of the online examination and achieving a passing grade of 75%, the candidate will have earned the score required to receive a blockchain-verified Certified Blokchain Associate (CBCA) certificate from Blockchain Institute of Technology, and be qualified to display CBCA credentials. 

Instructor: AI, Blockchain, Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency

George Levy, CSBCP, GBP

George Levy is Chief Learning Officer and an instructor on AI, blockchain, Bitcoin and cryptocurrency at Blockchain Institute of Technology (BIT) and AI Institute of Technology (AIIT). George is an award-winning digital entrepreneur with over 20 years of professional experience working with Internet and digital technology. George is on a mission to spread and grow the impact of Blockchain technology across the globe.George was a co-founder of, an Internet portal acquired by Microsoft corporation to become part of MSN. He is a former Regional Manager for Microsoft Corporation and a Vice President for the World Business Forum (WOBI). He holds the professional certifications of Certified Senior Blockchain Professional (CSBCP) and Global Blockchain Professional (GBP).


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    About the CBCP Examination

    • Important instructions regarding the CBCA Examination